Thursday, July 24, 2014

Drift XVIII. My friend NPH!

Regular weather, slightly humid summer day

Location: a summer camp?

I'm friends with NPH (Neil Patrick Harris) in the dream! We were having lunch at cafeteria table in the camp. And he started talking like he does in How I Met Your Mother. So I reminded him: hey Neil, you're in real life now, stop acting! Then he did something funny in return and all friends at the table burst into laughters...

Ha.Ha.Ha. Does this dream make me a crazy fan of NPH?...

Photo Source:


Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Drift XVII. The Fight

A nostalgic day

Location: back to old college, but somewhere near the ocean

I returned! Finally! And amongst the crowd I saw her - the girl (Dou) who has been caring about me before, during, and after my departure. We never cut contact, and she has been a source of firm belief for me. I finally saw her again in the dream. I suggested that we take a walk along the beach.

Crossing a basketball field, I got excited, explaining to her that I used to hang out with my basketball friends here, but nowadays kids don't like outdoor games anymore. There happened to be a group of high-schoolers playing, with their fiercely hot female teacher standing next to the court. One of the kid deliberately throw the ball to the wall so that it bounced back and hit Dou's face heavily! I was FURIOUS. The teacher stepped out and spoke in English: fuck off.

Next I know, I dragged her to the ground and beat her up. It felt good. Violence.

Photo Source:

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Drift XVI. Run Away

Rainy days

Location: multiple, including Dhaka/Random City in the US/Guangzhou

Act I
I'm a half-African American-half-white girl, with wild orange curly hair. I wore skinny jeans and leather jacket. I lie, cheat, do drugs, but I'm undeniably beautiful and good at core. My boyfriend is very nice to me - and he looks like Bradley Cooper in the dream... I ran away from our apartment again. Before I ran out, I made sure to create a mess, and throw a whole jar of liquid at him - he was still sleeping. I had to run, run away, far. Because I knew I did not deserve this great person.

It was all muddy on the ground, and quickly getting dark. I needed to find a place to stay. Then I thought of X, who looks like Bashar Assad in the dream...In the dream X is a sex-addict. I had no other friends, but I was so reluctant to visit him that I dragged my feet, walked 10+ floors, counting each steps. My high heels knocking each stage. Loud at night.

Found him, he was leaning outside the windows of a classroom, and was engrossed in a movie that was showing to the students. I had his attention. He brought me back to his eerily soft bed. But then he asked me to stay there while he would take the couch outside. - "Aren't you a sex addict? I'd do anything! Just let me stay!" - "No." He said. "I'm sending you back to your boyfriend tomorrow morning."

Act II
Traveling with parents. We were having such great time. But parents looked so much older in the dream. I later realize we were actually in their new house - everything is delicate, clean, expensive yet cozy looking. But I was saddened by how big the house is. So many bedrooms, so many cozy beds. But only dad and mom stay there all year round.

Traveling with boyfriend (Bradley Cooper-looking guy, haha). We went up to a high mountain, most of it soaked in dense fog. I woke up one morning, looking outside the window and saw a few young Chinese girls - one of them looking shockingly like myself in college! I even recognized the shirt?! Then Realize it WAS me! "I" was hiking with my best friend Maggie and her 215 roomates. Everybody was college-looking. Maggie's braided long hair, Mia's short hair, Monster's glasses... I managed to get their attention, and they looked up. I then push my face to the glass window to make funny expressions. They laughed so much, like we used to. I kept waving, hoping to join them, but I know I could not catch up.
