Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Drift XII. Self Sacrifice

A rainy, gloomy afternoon

Location: current apartment

Out of nowhere, I got a deadly communicable disease and needed to end my own life to protect people around me. I had no idea how to do it, so started off by stabbing myself with a knife - I cut open my forearms, neck, still not I stabbed myself in my heart. Finally feeling tired...yet I could not sleep. So I decided to drag my half-dead body to greet my family one last time.

To dad: hug, I love you. - Love you too
To Mom: hug, I love you. - Love you too
To Lex (who was just sitting in the corner, looking rather like 18yr old Lex): bye bro, love you
To Grandpa: hug, I love you, quit smoking - Love you too, I'll smoke less, and swim more
To Grandma (she was cooking in the kitchen - somehow this is her kitchen in reality): hug, I love you. - I love you too, my dear grand daughter...and she slowly stroke and patted on my back...

Then that was the trigger, I started sobbing so hard that I woke up.
At least they'll all be safe.

Funny how this was a picture used by an old friend as screensaver a long time ago...